You may have come across this page because you are a parent who is feeling stressed, anxious and lonely . Maybe you’ve noticed that you are struggling to find the joy in your day to day parenting experience, and you’re feeling sad and guilty about that.
My guess is you fiercely love your child or children, but sometimes you may not be enjoying their company, and finding yourself often acting in auto-pilot mode. The “parenting experts” and social media are constantly reminding you to “enjoy the moment” and that “they are only little for a short time” – but this only deepens the sense of shame and feeling that you are just not doing this parenting thing right.
It can be hard to share these feelings with our loved ones – we may be scared that they won’t understand, we may fear judgment or sometimes we just don’t want to burden them with our pain.
You don’t have to go through this alone. In this blog I will talk about parental stress and anxiety, where they may come from, and what might help. Understanding what could be contributing to your suffering can be very helpful in identifying the steps on how to address it, and if you feel you would benefit from additional support through counselling, you can get in touch with me via email